Company Admins have access to the Company Settings page. To get to your Company Settings, click your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and click Company Settings.
Then, use the tab list on the left side of the screen to navigate through the settings. If the list runs off the bottom of your screen, you can scroll down with your mouse wheel or the down arrow on your keyboard.
Click the name of a tab below to expand the information about that tab.

Organization Info: Adjust basic information about your company, your company logo, compliance logo, and other settings.
For more information, see: Updating your Organization Info
Licenses: You must enter your company's state licenses here. If an applicant attempts to apply for a loan in a state you do not have a license entered for on the Company, Branch (if applicable), and User levels, they will be informed of this by the application form.
Note: In states without license requirements, you can enter a license with no number or any number.
For more information, see: Entering Company State Licenses
Lenders: System Lenders you are registered with will automatically populate here within 48 hours of you completing the registration in the lender's TPO portal. Click "+Manual Lender" to add a new Manual Lender.
For each lender, you can edit the following;
- Compensations
- Fees
- Mortgagee Clause
- Mortgagee Contact
For more information, see: Adding Lenders
Non-Delegated: This tab will only be available for users that are subscribed to the Non-Del plan. Admins have the ability to set whether loan pricing will be defaulted to Non-Del or Broker pricing. Additionally, their is a toggle for them to allow or not allow their Loan Officers to override the industry channel on loans.
- Pricing Setup (includes Broker Override Rules)
- Margin Rules
- Mortgagee Clause
For more information, see: Non-Del Settings and Configurations
Realtor Config: Here you can customize your Realtor login URL.
For more information, see: Inviting Agents to the Real Estate Agent Portal, Using the Real Estate Agent Portal
Credentials: Here you can enter company credentials for your Credit Vendors, DO, and LPA. These credentials will be available for use by the users in your company. You can also enter your Doc Magic credentials here if you are on a Non-Del subscription.
For more information, see: Entering Credit and AUS Credentials for Company Use
Pre-Approval Letter: Here you can edit your company's default Pre-Approval Letter template. This can also be customized at the Branch and User levels. Customizations at the User level will take precedence over those at the Branch level, and Branch level will take precedence over the Company default template.
For more information, see: Customizing your Pre-Approval Letter
Plans and Billing: Here you can view and adjust your company's subscription plan details, as well as your payment method, and your payment history.
For more information, see: Purchasing Seats at the Company Level
Integrations: If you have upgraded to the Broker Pro subscription, here you will see the area to enter your Zapier credentials.
For more information, see: Integrating ARIVE with your Zapier Account (CRM Integration)
Email/SMS Config: Here you can connect your company's SMS Account (via Twilio) and/or your company's Email Account via Sendgrid/SMTP. Both the SMS and Email Account sections provide "How-To" information regarding that connection.
For more information, see: Connect Your Email Account or Integrating ARIVE with Your Twilio account (SMS Integration)
Email/SMS Templates: Here you can view and edit all of the various templates used for system-generated Emails and SMS messages, as well as who they will be sent to.
For more information, see: Customize Email & SMS Templates
Email Tracking: Here you can see all of the emails that have been sent from your company via the ARIVE platform. You can click on one to open up that email. You can see who the email sender was, as well as the recipients, the subject, and the status and date/time stamp. You can also search through the emails using the search bar in the top right corner.
For more information, see: Email Tracking
SMS Tracking: Here you can see all of the SMS messages that have been sent from your company via the ARIVE platform. You can click on one to open up it up. You can see who the SMS sender was, as well as the recipients, and the status and date/time stamp. You can also utilize the "Period" and "Status" filters in the top right.
For more information, see: SMS Tracking
POS App Config: Here you have access to the following POS settings:
- Customize which information items are collected in your Purchase and Refinance online applications.
- Settings affected by when the borrower submits the loan application.
- Add custom questions that the borrower is asked during their application.
- Access or customize your company's POS/Application URL.
For more information, see: POS Application Configuration
POS Theme: Here ARIVE Pro users have access to customize their another part of their borrower's POS experience, including:
- Create Account Page
- Sign In Page
- Thank You Message (shown in a popup after App Submission)
For more information, see: POS Theme Customization
Compliance Info: Here admins can customize and provide their company's compliance related information, including:
- Privacy Policy
- Terms of Use
- Disclosures
- Credit Consent
- eConsent
- Compliance Logo
For more information, see: POS Compliance Info/Privacy Policy/Etc.
Lead Form Config: Here admins can customize which questions that their leads are prompted to answer, as well as who their company will designate as the Default Lead Form Assignee (for borrower-created leads from the company's public lead form URL).
For more information, see: Lead Capture
Lead Management: Here admins can create and manage lead tags that they can attach to their leads for tracking purposes.
Client Needs Rules: Here you can edit your company's automatic Client Needs, and create new ones. This can also be customized for individual branches under Branch Settings or by individual LOs under their User Settings. Customizations at the User level will take precedence over Branch level, and Branch level will take precedence over Company level.
For more information, see: Customizing Client Needs Rules or Commonly Used Client Needs Rules
Workflow Rules: This feature is in development and is Coming Soon™.
Closing Costs: Here admins can adjust their company's default closing costs and add, edit or remove fees. They have the ability to set custom closing cost combinations for each of their lenders that will auto-populate in that loan's Review Fees once the lender has been assigned on the file.
For more information, see: Managing Default Closing Costs (Fees)
Forms List: Here you will see all of the your company's default forms/documents. These include the few dozen forms that Arive has provided to all accounts by default, as well as any other forms that company admins have added to their company's Forms List so that they are available for download in any loan file via the Disclosure Forms tab.
For more information, see: Creating and Using Custom Forms
Document Sets: Here you can create document sets to streamline the process of sending out multiple documents at once.
For more information, see: Creating and Using Form / Document Sets
Branches: Here you can see all branches that exist within your company. To create a branch, open a support ticket or send an email to with your request and include the following information:
- Your Company Name and NMLS number
- The name of the new Branch
- The state where the Branch is located
- Whether the users in the new Branch should be a part of the main company subscription or if the Branch should have it's own subscription (which will need to be purchased and managed by a Branch Admin).
For more information, see: Configuring Branches, and Branch Settings
Users: Here you can see and manage all of the users in your company. You will not see users who are in branches of the company, unless you switch the dropdown in the top right corner (just left of your icon) to "All". You can create or edit users, and you can transfer users in or out of branches by clicking the "..." Actions button. When you transfer a user, you will be prompted to either transfer their loans with them or reassign them to a different LO.
You can also see which roles a given user is assigned to or edit them (by clicking on their name) and you can obtain their custom LO links on the right side next to the 3 dots. You can also choose to deactivate users via the 3 option dots. If you deactivate an LO, you will be prompted to reassign all of the loans that they are the primary LO on. You can see deactivated user profiles by clicking on the blue hyperlink button (shown below) on the top left of the tab next to the word Users.
For more information, see: Adding Users to ARIVE, Setting Users as Self Paid or Company Paid
Roles: Here you can see all of the different types of user roles that someone in your organization has been assigned to. If you click on any given role name, you can see all of the users that possess that role and also see their emails, as well as the dates of when they were created at and last updated.
For more information, see: Managing Users, User Roles, etc.