Major Feature Enhancements

4.0 University Training Class

Revamped Pipelines and Milestones/Stages (HOT-4670)

Pipeline management has been fully revamped with new set of Pipelines, Milestones, Stages and Trackers. ARIVE organizes loans into 4 Pipelines and each pipeline has specific status inside them:

ProspectApp Intake, Qualification, Pre-Approved
ProcessingLoan Setup, Disclosed, Submitted to UW, Approved w/ Conditions, Re-Submittal
ClosingClear to Close, Docs Out, Docs Signed
FundedLoan Funded, Broker Check Received, Loan Finalized


  • Loans can be marked as Adverse and Suspended in any Pipeline.
  • Majority of Pipeline Filters have been moved outside for more usability and avoiding clicks. Pipeline can be filtered easily based on Status, Trackers and Assignee!
  • Enhanced default filters to include Purchase - Pre Approved , Refinance - Pre Approved and Suspended loans.

Mapping from ARIVE 3.X to ARIVE 4.X Pipeline / Status:

ARIVE automatically migrates your old loans, data and filters into new pipelines

Loan Center Revamp

Loan Center has been revamped and simplified to introduce 

1. Loan Trackers - Track critical activities in Loan Workflow and Lender Events are moved to separate tab.

2. Loan Workflow - You move loan through different status in a Pipeline via a workflow

2. Registration Process has been improved as a separate section Loan Center. 

3. Credit Repair badge has been introduced to mark loans that are in Credit Repair

TRIDComplete / Incomplete (set by system)
Lock StatusNot Locked / Lock Requested(Non Del) / Locked / Expired / Request Denied(Non Del)
ITP StatusNot Signed / Signed
AppraisalNot Ordered / Ordered / Paid / Assigned / Scheduled / Inspected / Complete / Waived
HOINot Ordered / Ordered / Received
TitleNot Ordered / Ordered / Received
PayoffsNot Ordered / Ordered / Received
HOA CertsNot Ordered / Ordered / Received
Enable on / after Loan is in "Approved w/ Conditions"
CD StatusNot Sent / Sent / Signed
Signed Closing DocsNot Uploaded / Uploaded
Funds to CloseNot Delivered / Delivered
Funding WireNot Ordered / Ordered
Enable on / after Loan is in "Loan Funded" status
MERS Transfer (Non Del)Not Complete / Complete
Post Closing AuditNot Complete / Complete
Commission / PayrollNot Complete / Complete
Client ReviewNot Requested / Requested

Revamped Pipeline View

Loan Center - Tracker View

Loan Center - Pipeline/Stages Workflow

Credit Repair Badge

You can mark loan as Credit Repair in Loan Center that will create a Badge in Pipeline. You can filter loans that are in Credit Repair status.

Call Reports : Add State specific configurations (HOT-6153)

Enhance Call Reports by adding configurations as below that can be selected on specific states. Once selected the system will remember these selections:

- Include Investment properties 

- Include Pre Approvals

- Include Credit Orders

Note: In any case App complete date used in reports will be Minimum of TRID, Adverse, PreApproval (If selected) and Credit order(if selected). A loan must be Closed and Funded to be picked up in Call Report.

Disclosure Setup Support for generating forms (HOT-6327)

Added a screens to display and input disclosure setup before generating disclosure forms. This screens will provide a solution to edit the information before generating disclosures so that the expected data gets populated on documents. 

Allow broker users to edit/delete Mortgagee Clause for system lenders (HOT-6543)

Provided an option to Edit/Delete Mortgagee clause for System Lenders.

Create Alias Field for Employer name in Base Employment Income(HOT-6169)

Provided an option to add Alias/Alternate name for employer in Base Employment Income/Military Employment Income (support for Freddie Mac).

Create New field  LPA offering (HOT-6082)

Added LPA offering checkbox that will always be visible on Loan & Property info view and values will be shown in dropdown based on Loan purpose and Mortgage type selected as:

- HFA Advantage 

- Home Possible Mortgage 

- CHOICEHome - (Not shown FHA/VA loans)

- Enhanced Relief Refinance - (Shown for Refinance only)

- Refi Possible - (Shown for Refinance only)

Pipeline Report to include buyer's and seller's agent phone (HOT-5996)

Enhance the pipeline report to include the buyer's and seller's agent phone numbers.

Generating sample MIN Numbers (HOT-5889)

Added a tool to generate a MERS MIN number using the requestor's MERS Organization ID for Brokered Organizations.

Support to export and convert old URLA to new URLA format. (HOT-6566)

Old URLA format loans will be no longer supported in Arive. Either users need to Export as 3.2 file or convert loan to new URLA format.


Additional Fixes

Make Product Name editable on compare screen (HOT-6867)

System Lender Product name should be editable from compare screen.