Company Admins have access to their company's user list via Company Settings > Users.

Branch Admins have access to their branch's user list via Branch Settings > Users.

Company Admins can use the Branch dropdown (if the company has branches) to switch to a branch and then view that branch's user list via the Branch Settings > Users, or they can select All in the Branch dropdown and view all users across all branches.

From the Users tab, an Admin can add new users by clicking the +User button in the upper right corner, Edit a user by clicking on their name, or take an action by clicking the "..." action menu button to the right of a user and clicking the following options:

  • Reset Password- This sends a password reset email to the user, with a link to reset their password.
    • If the user has not yet accepted their invite, this will instead be Send Invite and will send the user a new invite email.
  • Change Email - This allows you to enter a new email address for the user, and sends them a new invite email at the new email address.
  • Deactivate - This deactivates the user's account, preventing them from logging into ARIVE and freeing up any Company subscription seat they were occupying. When a Self Paid user is Deactivated, their subscription is automatically set to no longer renew.
  • Delete - This deletes the user's account, preventing them from logging into ARIVE and freeing up any Company subscription seat they were occupying. When a Self Paid user is Deleted, their subscription is automatically set to no longer renew.

See: Adding Users

When editing a user, you can choose which branches they are assigned to, and which roles they have in those branches.

To give a user access to an additional branch, click +Add Branch. Checking the Default Branch checkbox will make that branch the user's default branch, causing their personal POS URL to be based off the branch's POS URL, and causing them to use that branch's billing (if they are not Self Paid).

To change a user's role in a branch, click the Roles section:

  • Owner - This role does not necessarily have to be given to the Broker/Owner, it's essentially just an indicator of who is the main Company Admin in charge of the account.
  • Company Admin - Company Admins have full access to all Company Settings and Branch Settings (except branch-paid branches' Plans and Billing), and full access to all loans in all branches of the company, even if they are not assigned to the loan. Users with the Company Admin role also have access to the Revenue Report.
  • Associate Admin - Associate Admins have the same access as Company Admins, except the Associate Admin won't be able to make changes in Company Settings > Organization Information.
  • Branch Admin - Branch Admins have full access to all Branch Settings in their branch, and full access all loans belonging to all users in their branch, even if they themselves are not assigned to the loan.
  • Loan Officer - Only a user with the Loan Officer role can be assigned as a Loan Officer on a loan file. For a user to have the Loan Officer role, they must have a Personal NMLS Number.
  • Loan Officer Assistant - Only a user with the Loan Officer Assistant role can be assigned as a LOA on a loan file.
  • Processor - Only a user with the Processor role can be assigned as a Processor on a loan file.
  • Closer This role gives access to all loan files in the company, but does not give access to Company or Branch Settings.
  • Disclosure Desk - This role gives access to all loan files in the company, but does not give access to Company or Branch Settings.
  • Lock Desk - This role gives access to all loan files in the company, but does not give access to Company or Branch Settings. 
  • Funder - This role gives access to all loan files in the company, but does not give access to Company or Branch Settings. 
  • Payroll - This role gives access to all loan files in the company, but does not give access to Company or Branch Settings. Users with the Payroll role also gain access to the Revenue Report which is otherwise only accessible by Company Admins.

When you remove a branch from a user, you will be prompted to reassign their active loans and leads. To transfer these loans and leads to a different branch but keep them assigned to the same user, select that user under the appropriate branch in the role reassignment dropdown. (See the example screenshot below--the user Robert Branch is no longer in Robert's Test Brokerage, but is still in Robert's Test Branch, so I am reassigning his loans to himself in that branch.)