ARIVE E-sign: Enhanced E-sign with Initial Support (HOT-9385)

Added a new functionality in ARIVE eSign which provides an option for users to add their initials while setting a esign document.

UWM: Added support TRAC, CYP, Loan Shield & Loan Amount LLPAs. (LENDER-6675)

Added support for following parameters specific to UWM in Pricing engine as:

  • Title Review at Closing (TRAC) - Fee/Adjustments, guidelines and labels are applied according to UWM sheet.
  • Control Your Price (CYP) - It defaults to being checked with a 40bps maximum adjustment. Adjustment are applied according to CYP value.
  • Loan Shield - It defaults to unchecked, and adjustments are applied according to UWM sheet.
  • Processing Options - Processing fees are applied based on the selected value of the processing option.

Automation Rules: Added new trigger for Borrower info changes (HOT-23368)

Trigger: Borrower info changes are introduced with the following conditions: borrower added or removed, and borrower email changes.

Automation Rule: Added new criteria - Initial TRID Date. (HOT-23498)

A new criterion, Initial TRID date, has been added to the automation rules.

Automation Rules: Added "Branch" criteria field for business rules. (HOT-23608)

New criteria for 'Branch' have been added with the operators 'in' and 'not in' under Automation Rules in Company Settings.

If the Branch criteria are selected within the rule, then that rule will be applicable to the specified branch.

Automation Rules: Add new criteria field 'Loan Channel Type'. (HOT-23835)

As part of this update, a new criteria field has been added to the Automation rules: 'Loan Channel Type' with the values 'Broker' or 'Non-Del'.

Automation Rules: Add new required field LTV. (HOT-23636)

As part of this update, a new criteria field has been added to the Automation rules: 'Loan Channel Type' with the values 'Broker' or 'Non-Del'.

Loan Pipeline and Pipeline Reports: Active Loans in COC . (HOT-14078)

  • Added the ability to filter the pipeline based on open COC sessions and to export such loans through pipeline exports.
  • Introduced an 'Active CoC Loans Only' checkbox in the 'More Filters' section of the loan pipeline view. Additionally, a 'Change of Circumstances (COC)' filter with the 'Active' value has been added to the Pipeline Report.

Zapier: Added support for new fields. (HOT-21324)

A number of fields have been added to the ZAPIER - Get Loan Details API.

LOS UI field name

Name in API Response

Loan Officer Name


Loan Officer Phone


Loan Processor Name


Loan Processor Phone 


Loan Officer Assistant Email


Amortization Type


Lien Position


Credit Order Date

creditOrderDate in keyDates

Credit Import Date

creditImportDate in KeyDates

Credit Expiry Date

creditExpirationDate in KeyDates

Estimated Funding Date

estimatedFundingDate in KeyDates

Compensation Type


Lender Loan Number


Initial Adjustment Period


Subsequent Adjustment Period


Transaction Coordinator

Business contact array


Business contact array

First Mortgage Principal and Interest Monthly


Flood Insurance Monthly

floodInsuranceMonthlyAmt - which is same as supplemental



Employment Details

employmentData ( employerName, positionDesc, monthlyIncome, employerPhone, classificationType, startDate )

broker flat fee


Loan Term




Tolerance Cures


Gross Loan Revenue


Net Loan Revenue


Sales Contract Date


Borrower Nickname

nickName in borrower data

principle and interest


Credit Report Fee


MERS number for Non Del



Check For FinancedFees which is already there

Prefered Languages

prefered Languages in borrower data


loan archived date

Conditional Display of Preview LE and CD buttons on Review Fees. (HOT-22597)

The updated conditions for documents to be previewed under Review Fees are:

  • The preview of the Loan Estimate will be visible before the Clear to Close status.
  • The preview of the Closing Disclosure will be visible after the loan status is approved with conditions.

Review Fee: Show selected product for LE/CD . (HOT-23803)

When generating a preview of the LE/CD, the system should use the selected DM Product Plan (if one exists, i.e., if the user has selected a product via disclosure audit/generation). If no product is selected, the system should default to the generic product codes.

Export of ARIVE users list in CSV. (HOT-23809)

Added the ability to export organization users from Company Settings > Users based on filters (Active, Deactivated, Invite Sent) and the search bar.

Add CRM Reference ID in Loan Center. (HOT-23998)

We have introduced a new 'CRM Reference ID' field in the Loan Center, under the Other Details section.

Pipeline Report Feedbacks. (HOT-22086)

  • Added the Payoff Ordered Date, Project Name, and Loan Narrative attributes to Pipeline Reports. Also introduced a Credit Repair Indicator filter in Pipeline Reports with 'Yes' or 'No' values. This change applies only to Pipeline Reports.
  • Additionally, users can now run Pipeline Reports and Revenue Reports for future dates (users can enter a start date as a future date). This update applies to both Pipeline and Revenue Reports.


Credit Order: Show Authorization date on UI. (HOT-23058)

Project Legal Structure Type independent of property in Project Indicator. (HOT-23066)

Leads: Increase purchase price cap from $2 million to $2+ million. (HOT-23066)

Fixed: Doc upload link email is not working for leads. (HOT-24332)

Fixed: Make 4506C ARIVE form fields editable. (HOT-20193)